Sunday, January 3, 2016

Putting the "act" in "disappearing act"

Snag in one of my new life goals: Turns out you can't block a phone number or email address unless you have an existing text or an email from the person you're blocking.

It's been maybe 6 months since I apparently VERY thoroughly deleted all that in an attempt at mental feng shui.

It's also been about 6 months since this was even an issue, so I probably don't NEED to do it. I was just going for a Rachel-Green-style "And THAT, my friend, is what they call CLOSURE." (I realize that's a bad metaphor; that turned out a lot differently than this is likely going to.)

And there was comfort in the idea, because there wouldn't be anymore worrying about letting my guard down when checking texts or emails -- let's be honest, stupidly half-hoping I'd ever be worth more than a drunk-texted apology at 3 a.m.

I'd have disappeared, so my brain could be all, "WHAT?! Come at me, bro!" [/Jersey]

Alternately: "Nyah, nyah, you can't get me!" [/inner child]

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