Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"What would we do, baby, without us? Sha la la la..."

I just got called "cold" and had Sad Singleton noises made at me when I mentioned to coworkers that I consider Thanksgiving weekend a short vacation, not family time, and that I hoped my family didn't host dinner, because I'm looking forward to relaxing alone.

"Jeez, some people LIKE spending time with their families." Hey, good for them. I am not one of them. Sorry, is my childhood trauma bothersome to you?

For me, Christmas is the family holiday. I will happily (well...) attend. But a pregame four short weeks BEFORE Christmas? Having my parents insist on family "closeness" now that they're older, not realizing they were my age 25 years ago while they were inadvertently teaching me NOT to value family? Sorry it's not my top priority as an adult.

(I know I don't have to attend either holiday, but skipping both is more of an emotional hassle than it's worth. Plus, ham.)

Thanksgiving weekend is for me to sleep, watch movies, and cook something delicious, not to drive 2 hours to make shitty small talk or silently ponder which mood medications my father should be on.

I can be thankful and reflective by myself. It's better than being asked if my ex is seeing anyone, hearing how much my family misses him, and explaining to obscure relatives looking at me quizzically that I "recently" ended a long relationship. Oh, and don't forget what a good mother I would've been, and how maybe I'll change my mind -- that is not at all like being punched in the uterus. (Also, c'mon, my eggs aren't exactly fresh from the farm. They're, like, Walmart eggs at this point.)

Besides, I promised a friend who'll be spending Thanksgiving with HER family that I'd be her on-call getaway car if she needs an extraction (SEAL Team Smug!). So I'm not the only one not singing "Kumbaya" for family time.

BTW, yes, if you know me, "cold" is exactly the right word. I am a complete, dead-inside asshole, and people I love mean nothing to me. You nailed it.


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